Dress Rehearsal 2024
We will not be hosting a formal dress rehearsal this year due to limited availability at the venue. Recital rehearsal will be held in-house during our final week of the dance season. We will conduct our dress rehearsal in two phases.
1. During picture week (May 20th – 24th) we will conduct costume, make-up and hair checks to ensure that all dancers' costumes are exactly the same to create our groups stage ready look.
2. During the last week of dance classes, dancers should wear regular dance attire. Instructors will review entering/exiting stage and finale instructions. Dancers will not be wearing costumes this week.
We would like to stress the importance of attending weekly classes for the final 5 weeks of the dance season. Dance instructors are working on choreography, as well as, coordination of lines and movement. Please do your best to attend all scheduled classes. When a dancer is missing it affects everyone.
(see the studio calendar under the news link for all important dates)
Dress Rehearsal can only run smoothly and remain on schedule with your cooperation.
Please be on time and prepared.
*TDF DANCE COMPANY MEMBERS will rehearse in their comp wear.